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GovCon HR

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A Collaboration between GovConPay & Berenzweig Leonard, LLP

Navigate the Complex World of GovCon HR

Each month we serve the latest news, insights, and actionable tips to help you navigate the complex world of GovCon HR with confidence.

GovCon HR Round-Up is your essential resource for staying informed, empowered, and connected in the ever-evolving world of government contracting HR.

So, buckle up, grab your notebook, and get ready to Round-Up your government contracting HR knowledge!

Season 2

Season 1

Power Your GovCon Success

Experience GovConPay People Cloud

We get it. Government contracting means unique complexities, stringent reporting requirements, and a constant battle to find qualified workers. GovConPay is your all-in-one solution, deployed exclusively for GovCons.